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Recondition Your Gut with Mega SporeBiotic – 60 caps (only one left)



A 100% spore-based, broad-spectrum probiotic shown to maintain healthy gut barrier function. This unique all-spore formula effectively reconditions the gut by promoting microbial diversity and maintaining key health-promoting, commensal gut bacteria.

MegaSporeBiotic™ does not require refrigeration and maintains a healthy gut microbiome.

With a blend of 5 bacillus spores that are naturally designed to survive digestion. The reason for their inherent survivability in the human gastrointestinal tract that allows them to remain intact in digestion comes from their bi-phasic life cycle. This means that the Bacillus spores can transition interchangeably from their dormant form to their active form, depending on the environment.

In its dormant spore form, the probiotic blend of 5 Bacillus will surround itself with an endospore, which is a tough, natural outer shell that protects it from light, heat, pressure, acid, lack of oxygen, and other environmental factors. This key feature is what allows probiotics to survive easily through digestion without the need for enteric-coated capsules or refrigeration.

Once it reaches the intestines, the advanced probiotic can increase microbial diversity by changing the pH, crowding out unwanted pathogens, and increasing the production of short-chain fatty acids. Due to its inherent survivability and lasting health benefits, MegaSporeBiotic™ has become a revolutionary tool in Total Gut

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